Friday, July 31, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

LaPorte to Indy.148 miles in 3 hours. Caught some traffic MM158 to 146. Something to work on-bring more than 1 cd.

Friday, July 24, 2009

@gotchababy is not going to believe how hard I worked in the office today. Especially with my sunburn. On my back and legs.
Driving to Chicago. Roadtrip goals: don't get stopped by the PoPo, learn all the words to Mamma Mai and Dancing Queen

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Some young people in my class were talking about Abercrombie. All I could say is that I have kids and don't wear nice clothes anymore.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thinking about starting a "Comando Wednesday" to coincide with "No T-Shirt Friday"

Monday, July 20, 2009

They nice thing about being a 2XL is that you can shop in the petite section of the Big And Tall.
I think I am going to become a panhandling consultant. First thing, set up clients with marker, cup, cardboard, and a dog
Either I am freaking out or my car is talking to me. I've heard voices in my head before, just not my cars.
If you can get past the smell of BO, panhandlers are pretty hot.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Had a great day at the Cincy Zoo w/ the little people. Highlght of the day had to be The Fox growling at the tigers and trying to pet a puma
The Kahuna Breakfast Grill is open. Choices are toast, french toast, and egg dipped in bread. Requests?
Just dropped my very first "If he jumped off a bridge would you jump as well?"

Friday, July 17, 2009

Watching Office Space while wearing my "O" Face.
Writing a college research paper is like trying to impress a girl at a party. Name drop. Name drop. Name drop.
Over the hump. Look as if we are going to get ten pages of rhetorical rhetoric, a research paper on rhetoric an candy.
After I turn in four research papers( 20-25 pages total) tonight, I am putting myself into a self induced alcohol coma.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Am I allowed to cite my own Awesomeness! in my research papers?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Keeping up with Kahuna Family tradition not to see scary movies because they scare us. We will not be seeing Orphan.
Looks like I am not going to get into the masters program at the university. Anyone got any contacts at the beauty college?
Looks like I am not going to get into the masters program at the university. Anyone got any contacts at the beauty college?
Legs feeling pretty good after run last night. Going to try to hike/walk 2 miles today.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Oh snap! Moe's t shirt is wet with sweat. Can't breathe someone call wife to have scissors ready.
Going running wearing my Moe's Grill"I Survived Free Burrito Day" t shirt. Maybe I should skip the run and get some Mexican.
Is it a good idea to bike up to the liquor store for my weekly barley an hopps fix?
Riding a moped with no shirt and big-ass man-boobs is bold look to pull off. Good for you Mr. No Shirt Moped Rider.
Heading home an going for a run. Prolly hit 2 miles because I am that out of shape.
I love Fry's Electronics.
At a restaurant watching Formula 1. 4Yr old MaM now wants the Speed channel for her birthday next month.


When you spend 3 hrs working on a cow costume, you can't tell your wife that you were to busy to call the phone company.
Getting ready for a trip to Broad Ripple to see @aballstuio make a lot of sparks. If I am lucky, I will get to have a Flashance moment.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I have decided to grow a Mullet-Mullet. Party in the front and back with a little business in the middle.
Do not put a 'Git R Done' sticker on your scooter. Because if you could 'Git R Done' you'd be driving a car.
If you want to see a 40 year ol man get thrown out of a Chik-Fil-A for wearing the worst com costume. Head to the Avon Chik.
My Chik Fil A cow outfit is complete. Waitng on the call to meet the fam @ the Avon Chik Fil A
It's easier to apply for a job you're qualifie for b/c you don't have to make up as much stuff that you wish you could do.
Since I can't run w/ the bulls in Pamplona I will be heaing into the city to run w/ the rats.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Oh Snap. I've been drinking since 7pm and @gotchababy just informed me that it was Thursday. I could have sworn it was Friday.
Woo Hoo! Weeds. Season 4, disk3. Play All.
The nice thing about having a ten year old car is that I have no problem cutting people off in traffic.
Off to the University to have the writing center rip my paper to shreads

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Heading home to veg out to some Charlie The Unicorn.
I just learned from a good source(Boss) that I can no longer take my socks off at work.
Aw Man! Work scissors is too big to trim my nose hair but just right to trim my toenails and ear hair.
To really annoy someone speaking I suggest very fast repeated eye blinking. It's free and it throws them off their boring story.

FUTAB-Sandles W/ White Socks

One year old AfM has figured out that if he goes off the bed feet first he won't land on his face.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

You have to wonder about the courage of a one year old who decided to get his Second Wind @ 9pm. On my watch.
Why won't Radio Disney play my 2 Live Crew request? Doesn't the Mouse like to get Freaky?
Maybe I will try to make a MJ outfit out of paper after the bosses leace.
Someone on the news said that the MJ funeral is running late. Does it matter? He isn't going anywhere.

My White Glove-Office Style

Trying to make a white glove out of copy paper to wear during the memorial but I can't fin the scissors.
Work is more like a real world version of Sim City-Office where I try to see what I can get co-workers to do.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Anyone else have to look inside every car they pass on the highway to seeif they got something more interesting going on?
Hurt my foot this weekend. Boss wants to have me race the other crip in the office to see who keeps their job. I might lose.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

How long am I suppose to let my kid think she can beat me on the Wii before I go for the kill?

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Hello Swap O Rama in Alsip
July 4th,2009 - The day 4 yr old MaM realizes that she is not in every picture on the wall @ Grandma's house.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Watching Mama Mia with MaM. At least she is not making me dance with her to all the songs this time.
Just got back from a 3 mile(mostly walk) She started getting tired around 2M and I started seeing the light at the en of the tunel around 1M
So, I don't run too fast and have a grabber. I am going to bring my 4 yr old along to set the pace.
I have become motivated by my friend Chuck H, in Michigan, and am thinking about going for a run.
Against my better judgement, I let the 4 yr old manage the Nuvi GPS. I should not be surprised that we are lost.
Eating Original Rainbow Cone before heading back to the mother state.
At a park in Mt Greenwood. Park, water, and low flying jets headed into Midway airport. MaM will be in heaven.
Is it wrong to pass the garbage landfills in Chicago and try to sell them as the Chicago Mountains to my kids?
Getting ready for a play date in Chi-Town. I hope these people don't get freaked out when they find out I don't have kids.
When I come to a difficult decision, I ask myself "WWLWD?" What Would Lil' Wayne Do?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

I am amazed at what a 4 year old needs to be comfortable. A book, your blanket, and a pillow.
@thejonny the greatest headline ever RT @andylevy: Greatest headline evah? "Midget wrestlers dead after hooker romp"
Stuck in traffic. In what could be the longest conversation I have ever had about Kelly Clarkson with @gotchababy
Your punishment for hitting your brother in the back seat is you have to listen to daddy's 80's music.
Ohio Driving Motto- Tailgate anyone long enough and close enough and they will get out of your way.
I love last minute packing for a trip. I feel like I am trying to beat the federal agents before they raid my malitia compound

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I went to Neverland as a child, I guess you could say I was touched.
I am not sure whose Christmas is going to be more uncomfortable. The Georges or the Jacksons now that MJ's will has come out.
Never again will I go to a mexican restaurant while hi on caffine.Between the two kis and the music, I was freaking out.
Never again will I go to a mexican restaurant while hi on caffine.Between the two kis and the music, I was freaking out.
Is the FDA wanting to end the sale of vicoen an percoset? Screw that!
Let me see if I got this straight. As a 1 yr old, you like the taste of crayon but not refried beans.
Waiting to leave work to meet my family at the new park next to a prison. Maybe, not one of my best ideas.

Sams Securty Seal-That makes it official

Got to love using $22 on a $25 gas card. Now your stuck with card that can't even get you a gallon of gas.